santiam valley aquaculture,LLC
Santiam Valley Ranch has a unique history in the mid-Willamette Valley. An extensive network of ponds and ditches were constructed in the 1940's. Today, there are nineteen ponds. Some are managed for the production of warm-water fish. Others are used for waterfowl hunting during the winter as regulated by Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. All of the ponds are used year-round by birds and smaller mammals for food, resting sites and nesting areas.
Aquaculture production of warm-water fish began in 1982. Santiam Valley Ranch is a licensed fish propagator with Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (License #1113). All fish sold must meet inspection requirements and disease standards established by state agencies in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Since 2013, our son Luke Fitzpatrick, has assumed all management for the aquaculture business through his business, Santiam Valley Aquaculture, LLC. Luke processes all orders, ensures there is a valid hauling permit and intensively manages the ponds that produce the fish. He oversees tank systems, which are complete with biofilters, ozone and ultraviolet equipment. The tank systems allow for sorting and holding of fish. Please meet Luke, Owner of Santiam Valley Aquaculture.
To order your fish, contact Luke directly by phone:
503-930-9431 or click here to fill out the contact form to send an email.
Because of Luke's considerable experience and expertise, Santiam Valley Aquaculture, LLC is able to deliver quality and in-depth assistance to customers. In addition to providing healthy fish, the goals are to assist customers in purchasing a quality product while also obtaining an in-depth knowledge to maintain fish in your pond, including the art of pond management.
Due to increasing regulations restricting the introduction of warm-water fish in Oregon, the species now propagated and sold by Santiam Valley Aquaculture have been narrowed to include Largemouth bass, Bluegill, Pumpkinseed, Yellow bullhead catfish and Black Crappie. Fish no longer sold are Channel catfish, and Mosquito fish.
Santiam Valley Aquaculture has been successful in raising Kokanee. These fish are used only for display at the Sportsman Expositions conducted by the O'Loughlin Brothers Trade Shows in Puyallup, WA, Redmond, OR and Portland, OR.
Warm-water species and stocking rates: ($200 minimum order)
Stocking rate: 150 Largemouth bass (3-4”) per surface acre, $2.75/fish
50 bass/acre for bass 6”-8", $9.90 per fish
25 bass/acre for bass 12"+, $26.40 per fish
Stocking rate: 60 Bluegill/acre 6”-7", brooder $11 per fish
BLACK CRAPPIE (Call for availability)
Stocking rate: 60 Pumpkinseed/acre 6”-7", brooder $11 per fish
Oregon Aquaculture Association
Santiam Valley Ranch is an active member of Oregon Aquaculture Association. The Oregon Aquaculture Association (OAA) sponsored three Pond Schools. Presenter's Handouts are available to assist owners with pond construction and maintenance:
Rules & Regulations
Goals are to prohibit introduction of exotic or invasive species within watersheds and to prohibit introduction of fish diseases into our waterways.
Fish used for pond stocking must come from a State licensed propagation facility. States issue a hauling permit which must accompany fish during transport. An approved hauling permit ensures that fish can only be stocked in approved geographic areas and that the fish are disease free.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon, Washington and Idaho have struggled to maintain our beloved salmon and at considerable cost. One of the long-term goals is to protect our native salmonid species, along with other native fish, reptiles, amphibians and flora long into the future. For this reason, stocking of introduced fish and other species is regulated.
DO NOT introduce predator fish into areas where a predator fish have not yet been introduced (such as Largemouth or Hybrid bass and Channel catfish).
DO NOT introduce fish that compete with native species where they have not yet been introduced (such as Pumpkinseed, Crappie or Bluegill);
DO NOT introduce invasive or exotic fish or other organisms that could impact wetland environments (such as the Mosquito fish, Chinese mystery snails, Red-earred slider turtle, European bullfrogs, Red swamp crayfish or others species that will become more dominant in the ecosystem and will seriously impact our native wetland species such as Western pond turtle, Signal crayfish and Red-legged frogs);
DO NOT introduce diseases into our waterways which could impact all of our salmonid species (salmon and trout) or other native species (sturgeon, eels, lamprey).
Santiam Valley Ranch Aquaculture strictly complies with stocking regulations from Oregon, Washington and Idaho. To learn more about stocking requirements in your geographical area:
Stocking of fish in private ponds is based on watershed basins:
Information regarding fish stocking in private ponds:
Importation of grass carp:
Information regarding private fish ponds, private pond permit and fish transportation permit:
Information regarding private fish ponds, private pond permit and fish transportation permit: