2017 in Patagonia, Argentina

2017 in Patagonia, Argentina


In 1980, Kathy fell in love with the farm, its landscape and flyway, at what is now known as Santiam Valley Ranch.  Prior to that, she spent five years living on the beautiful Oregon Coast.

In addition to managing the farm, Kathy has devoted most of her professional life working with and directing non-profit agencies. 

Her efforts include:

  • Directed Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association in Newport, OR (1975-1980).

  • Spearheaded creation of the Small Farmers Market in Newport, OR (1977-1980).

  • Directed The Mid-Valley Children's Guild, Salem, OR (1982-1994) which was later operated by Easter Seals until 2013. 

  • Served on the Board for the Autism Society of Oregon, Salem, OR (1996-2008). 

  • Serves as Trustee and Executive Director for The Bridges Foundation, Turner, OR (2000-present).

  • Served on the Board for Northwest Land Conservation Trust, Eugene, OR (2008-2015). 

  • Served on the Board for Oregon Aquaculture Association, Stayton, OR (2004-2023).  She also served on the Oregon State University Sea Grant Extension Aquaculture Advisory Council and the Oregon Department of Agriculture Regional Strategies Committee on Aquaculture.  

  • Serves on the Board for Killingsworth Condominium Association, Portland, OR (2013-2015, 2017-present)

  • Serves on the Board for the North Santiam Watershed Council (2020-present)

In 1991, Kathy was honored by Governor Barbara Roberts and Salem YWCA by receiving the Tribute to Outstanding Women for significant contributions and services as Executive Director for The Mid-Valley Children’s Guild.  During her tenure, thousands of children received early intervention services including physical, occupation, speech/language, and music therapy, family services, mental health services, preschool program, summer camp and a two-year preschool program specializing in services for children with autism.

In addition to her work and volunteering with non-profits, Kathy worked as Manager for world-renowned bronze artist and oil painter, Lorenzo Ghiglieri, Aurora, OR (1998-2002).
Kathy attended Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona State University in Tempe, and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology with Minors in Chemistry and Political Science from Utah State University in Logan.  Kathy pursued a Master's degree in Biology at Northern Arizona University, continued it at Oregon State University and received her Master’s Degree in Resource Economics from Utah State University.  

Kathy raised three sons, Jake, Andy and Luke Fitzpatrick, and has three grandchildren.